John Dougall

While looking for a skiing photographer I came across another blogger on this site named John Dougall. His site can be found here.

John Dougall has helped change the way skiing has been photographed. He uses different techniques that allow him to ski along with the skier and take great photos of them in action, all while staying out of the way of the skier themselves. This type of photography is interesting, because he gets some very good action results of the skiers and has some very interesting photos of the skier being natural. Most photographers will ski with the subject and take the photos while skiing with them. John on the other hand skis downhill and waits for the subject that he is going to be shooting. He calls this technique the "downhill biathalon." I would recommend looking this site over, because it gives insight on how to shoot the action, without getting in the way, while also showing that going against the grain in some aspects of photography can work. He shows that you dont have to do what others are doing, and by creating this technique, he creates a unique perspective of the great sport of skiing.


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